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OutBorders (2005) a project based on the conflicts between architecture and identity and which proposes a route through different peripheral spaces of cities in the process of transformation.

The direct relationship between the continuous redefinitions and readings of the city's limits raises a series of structural and urbanistic changes leaving open spaces and territories that stand out for the absence of a defined identity.

The connecting roads (freeway, overpasses, bypasses, ...) and the rapid urban growth of New York City raise a series of conflicts between the natural space and urban planning accelerated by speculation and social changes

The project was carried out in the context of the creation grant of the Caixa d'Estalvis de la Mediterrània and in the facilities of the ISCP, Triangle Artist Workshop and ArtOMI in New York.

The project was exhibited at the Rafael Peréz Hernando Gallery in Madrid (2006) and at the Horno de la ciudadela of Pamplona City Council (2006).

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